GO Unlimited is a tax exempt 501 (c) (3) organization. Your donations are tax deductible as allowable by law.
In order to ensure GO Unlimited’s outdoor adaptive programs continue to succeed and grow we need your support. The goal is to continue and advance the adaptive services we provided to children and adults with disabilities. GO Unlimited is mainly supported by contributions from private individuals, corporations, and civic organizations. Your support is greatly appreciated!
Make all donations out to GO Unlimited. If you have a specific program that you would like to support make a note of that program in the memo with your donation and 100% of your funding will go to that program.
Send donations to the address below, and a letter of response used for deducting taxes will be sent within 10 days of receiving your donation.
GO Unlimited
P.O. Box 10717
Albuquerque, New Mexico
You can also use the Paypal Link to the left. It will allow you to make donations with your credit card and you do not have to have a Paypal account to use it.
Thanks for taking the time. Your help is much appreciated!
Contact us at: Phone - (505) 480-2374
Email - globalberg@aol.com